This study was conducted with the aim of revealing employees' perception of competence and determining which competence domains and sub-components are most associated with competence. Adopting a qualitative research approach, the study was designed using a phenomenological pattern, and research data were collected through an in-depth interview method. The research findings were interpreted based on the responses provided by private sector employees to questions in line with their professional experiences, focusing on their perceptions of professional competence and the types of competencies they highlight as crucial for success in today's competitive business environment.
According to the findings, the perception of competence among private sector employees is categorized into three main themes, namely technical/functional, fundamental/managerial, and behavioral/personal, which align with the literature. The most significant research finding obtained within the scope of this study is the participants' emphasis on communication competence as the most crucial type of competence in today's context. Additionally, participants have further delineated sub-themes of communication competence by discussing various types of communication competencies within the realm of work life. Among all participants, 'stakeholder communication' stands out as the most highlighted type of communication competence. Following stakeholder communication is intra-team communication, effective communication skills, persuasive communication, social communication, and empathetic communication. Furthermore, network-focused communication, marketing communication, professional language in communication, listening-persuasion in communication, and trustworthiness in communication emerge as sub-themes highlighted within the overarching theme of communication competence in the work environment.
İzmir Kavram Meslek Yüksekokulu
OPUS - Uluslararasi Toplum Arastirmalari Dergisi
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