Social Service Practices In Disaster: 6 February Earthquake Hatay Case


DURUEL Mehmet1


1. Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi


Hatay, one of the provinces most affected by the major earthquakes that occurred on February 6, 2023, was the area most impacted by the event. Immediately following the disaster, to recover from the effects of the earthquake and alleviate its negative impacts, social workers flocked to the region and implemented many social service practices. Social work practices are of critical importance in terms of accelerating the healing processes for the people of the region. In the study, the activities of social workers were evaluated using a case study approach. The aim is to reveal the effectiveness of social work practices from the perspective of social workers working in the earthquake response. Such an approach both supports and guides policy makers and decision makers in establishing new living conditions in the region and reveals the issues that need to be taken into account for future activities. Within the scope of the research, interviews with 30 social workers were analyzed. The results demonstrated that social work practices are extremely important in eliminating social damage in the post-earthquake period; however, human resources should be developed and increased in terms of quality and quantity, and financial and physical resources should be provided for social work practices.


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