1. mardin artuklu üniversitesi
2. City of Bristol College
The frequency and persistence of mobbing behavior, which can occur in all professional groups and organizations, has devastating effects on the victim and in some cases leads to suicide. In this study, the characteristics of the individuals who committed suicide due to workplace mobbing and how they experienced this situation was examined through newspaper news on the internet. Case study, which is a qualitative research approach, was used as the research design. Descriptive content analysis was performed in order to analyse the data. The analyses were made after news about suicide incidents in Turkey were found on the internet by typing "mobbing and suicide". 12 of these suicide cases were associated with mobbing by researchers. These cases were examined in terms of variables such as gender, age, profession, type of suicide, suicide note, psychiatric treatment, mobbing claim and type of mobbing. As a result of the analysis, a relationship was found between mobbing and suicide. It has been determined that the majority of those who commit suicide due to mobbing are women and the age range where suicides occur most frequently is the 25-34 age range. It has been found that the majority of those who commit suicide are single. It has been claimed that the professional group in which suicides occur most frequently is doctors and the most common form of suicide is jumping from a height. It has been determined that some of those who committed suicide received psychiatric treatment. It has been observed that almost half of those who committed suicide left a suicide note. The most common forms of mobbing are It has been revealed that these are threats, work pressure, humiliation, isolation, disregard, gossip, slander, interference with lifestyle, arbitrary practices, obstruction of professional advancement and physical violence.
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