Possibilities of Using the National Electronic Data Syetstem in Assessing the Control of Arterial Hypertension at The Primary Health Care Level in the Kyrgyz Republic Using the Example of a Single Family Medicine Center


Polupanov A. G.1ORCID,Arykova A. T.2ORCID,Tolebaeva A. A.2ORCID,Borubaev M. Ch.3,Altymysheva A. T.4ORCID,Dzhishambaev E. D.5ORCID,Dzhamagulova A. S.6,Abilova S. S.7ORCID,Sooronbaev T. M.5ORCID


1. Mirrakhimov National Center of Cardiology and Therapy, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic; Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, Bishkek

2. Yeltsin Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, Bishkek

3. Center of Electronic Healthcare, Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek

4. World Health Organization Country Office in Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek

5. Mirrakhimov National Center of Cardiology and Therapy, Bishkek

6. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, Bishkek

7. Mirrakhimov National Center of Cardiology and Therapy, Bishkek; Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, Bishkek


Aim. To determine the capabilities of the National Electronic System for collecting quantitative data necessary to assess the quality of management and effectiveness of arterial hypertension (AH) control at the primary health care (PHC) level and to develop indicators and possibilities of their use for a standardized report on the quality of AH management and control at the PHC level in the Kyrgyz Republic.Material and methods. Data from electronic outpatient records were processed for all registered patients of a pilot family medicine center (FMC) that was selected randomly. The registered patient group consisted of 91,226 people older than 18 years, including 37,740 men and 53,486 women. The data obtained during contact with a patient was entered by the family doctor into the electronic outpatient record and automatically forwarded to the center that collected and aggregated the data. To monitor AH control, 11 indicators were developed and evaluated. The indicators were divided into 3 groups: indicators for identifying AH, indicators for the quality of AH patient management, and indicators for the effectiveness of AH control.Results. In total, 26,206 patients (7,933 men and 18,273 women) visited the FMC during a year, and blood pressure (BP) was measured in 71.4% of them. In 2022, 5,072 patients (5.6% of the registered group) visited the FMC for AH, including 1,539 men and 3,533 women (4.1 and 6.6% of the registered patient group, respectively; p<0.001). The proportion of patients with AH who, according to the clinical protocol, had their BP measured 2 times a year or more, was 81.4% and was slightly higher for women than for men (82.3% and 79.1%, respectively; p<0.01). 38.7% of AH patients received antihypertensive drugs. Lipid-lowering therapy was prescribed to 23.5% of AH patients. The proportion of AH patients taking acetylsalicylic acid was higher, 36.3% for the whole group, including 34.1% for men and 37.2% for women (p<0.05). The efficacy of AH treatment was 62.8%.Conclusion. Any monitoring system has limitations for the amount of useful data that can be obtained ensuring their proper quality. Taking this into account, two major indicators are suggested to use for evaluating the effectiveness of AH control at the PHC level: 1) the number of AH patients who have achieved the BP goal; 2) the number of AH patients who visited a medical institution (health care facility) during a calendar year relative to the number of registered patients (AH detectability).


APO Society of Specialists in Heart Failure

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