1. Department of Human Ecology; Rutgers University; New Brunswick NJ USA
2. Department of Community Sustainability; Michigan State University; East Lansing MI USA
3. Department of Urban Planning and Policy; University of Illinois at Chicago; Chicago IL USA
4. Water Mission Area; U.S. Geological Survey; Reston VA USA
5. Faculty of Engineering and IT; University of Technology Sydney; Ultimo New South Wales Australia
6. Centre for Climate and Safety, Department of Environmental and Life Sciences; Karlstad University; Karlstad Sweden
7. Center for Biodiversity and Conservation; American Museum of Natural History; New York NY USA
8. NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center; Honolulu HI USA
9. Department of Geographical Sciences; University of Maryland; College Park MD USA
10. Department of Environmental Studies; Masaryk University; Brno Czech Republic
11. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis; Laxenburg Austria
12. Green Research Unit; CIRAD; Montpellier France
13. CIEDA; Universidad de Costa Rica; San José Costa Rica
14. Department of City and Regional Planning; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Chapel Hill NC USA
15. Department of Engineering and Technology Management; Portland State University; Portland OR USA
16. Department of Philosophy; Michigan State University; East Lansing MI USA
17. Computer Science Department; Furman University; Greenville SC USA
18. Department of Computer Science and Engineering; IIIT Chittoor; Sri City India
19. Unit Water Resource and Delta Management; Deltares; MH Delft The Netherlands
20. Science and Decisions Center; U.S. Geological Survey; Denver CO USA