Biogeochemical fluxes through mesozooplankton


Buitenhuis Erik,Le Quéré Corinne,Aumont Olivier1,Beaugrand Grégory,Bunker Adrian2,Hirst Andrew3,Ikeda Tsutomu4,O'Brien Todd5,Piontkovski Sergey6,Straile Dietmar7


1. Laboratoire d'Oceanographie Dynamique et de Climatologie; Paris; France

2. Heriot-Watt University; Edinburgh; UK

3. British Antarctic Survey; Cambridge; UK

4. Plankton Laboratory, Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences; Hokkaido University; Hakodate; Japan

5. National Marine Fisheries Service; Silver Spring; Maryland; USA

6. Marine Sciences Research Center; State University of New York at Stony Brook; New York; USA

7. Limnological Institute; University of Konstanz; Konstanz; Germany


American Geophysical Union (AGU)


Atmospheric Science,General Environmental Science,Environmental Chemistry,Global and Planetary Change

Reference65 articles.

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3. An ecosystem model of the global ocean including Fe, Si, P colimitations;Aumont;Global Biogeochem. Cycles,2003

4. Long-term changes in phytoplankton, zooplankton and salmon related to climate;Beaugrand;Global Change Biol.,2003

5. Plankton effect on cod recruitment in the North Sea;Beaugrand;Nature,2003

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