1. Chemical Manufacturers Association Fluorocarbons technical panel World production and release of chlorofluorocarbons 11 and 12 through 1979 Washington, D.C. 1980
2. Krey , P. W. M. Schonberg L. Toonkel updating stratospheric inventories to January 1973 I-130 I-142 New York 1974
3. Leifer , R. R. Lagomarsino L. Toonkel R. Larsen Project Airstream: quality of analysis of high altitude gas samples I-79 I-87 New York 1978
4. Leifer , R. R. Larsen L. Toonkel Project Airstream: analysis of quality control gas samples I-205 I-209 New York 1979
5. Leifer , R. R. Larsen L. Toonkel Stratospheric distributions and inventories of trace gases in the Northern Hemisphere for 1976 I-211 I-234 New York 1979