1. Climate Hazards Center University of California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara CA USA
2. IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Center Ngong Kenya
3. Alliance of Biodiversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (Biodiversity – CIAT) Nairobi Kenya
4. Marc Lindenberg Professor for Humanitarian Action International Development and Global Citizenship University of Washington Seattle WA USA
5. Friedman School of Nutrition Tufts University Boston MA USA
6. Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre The Hague The Netherlands
7. Feinstein International Center, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy Tufts University Boston MA USA
8. Ethiopian National Meteorological Agency Addis Ababa Ethiopia
9. Kenya Meteorological Department Nairobi Kenya
10. NASA GSFC FEWS NET Science Team Greenbelt MD USA
11. NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory Boulder CO USA
12. Department of Global Development Cornell University Ithaca NY USA
13. Plant Production Systems Group Wageningen University & Research Wageningen The Netherlands
14. USAID Innovation Lab on Current and Emerging Threats to Crops Pennsylvania State University State College PA USA