1. Applied Physics Laboratory Johns Hopkins University Laurel MD USA
2. Department of Physics The University of Texas at Dallas Richardson TX USA
3. University of California Los Angeles CA USA
AbstractEnergetic electron precipitation (EEP) during substorms significantly affects ionospheric chemistry and lower‐ionosphere (<100 km) conductance. Two mechanisms have been proposed to explain what causes EEP: whistler‐mode wave scattering, which dominates at low latitudes (mapping to the inner magnetosphere), and magnetic field‐line curvature scattering, which dominates poleward. In this case study, we analyzed a substorm event demonstrating the dominance of curvature scattering. Using ELFIN, POES, and THEMIS observations, we show that 50–1,000 keV EEP was driven by curvature scattering, initiated by an intensification and subsequent earthward motion of the magnetotail current sheet. Using a combination of Swarm, total electron content, and ELFIN measurements, we directly show the location of EEP with energies up to ∼1 MeV, which extended from the plasmapause to the near‐Earth plasma sheet (PS). The impact of this strong substorm EEP on ionospheric ionization is also estimated and compared with precipitation of PS (<30 keV) electrons.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences
Air Force Office of Scientific Research
California Wildlands Grassroots Fund
American Geophysical Union (AGU)