1. School of the Environment, Geography and GeosciencesUniversity of PortsmouthPortsmouthUK
2. Department of PhysicsUniversity of TurinTurinItaly
3. National Research Council of ItalyInstitute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (CNR‐ISAC)TurinItaly
4. Climate Research DepartmentCentral Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG)ViennaAustria
5. Federal Office of Meteorology and ClimatologyMeteoSwissZurichSwitzerland
6. EURAC Research Institute for Earth ObservationBolzanoItaly
7. Institute of Meteorology and ClimatologyUniversity of Natural Resources and Life SciencesViennaAustria
8. Department of Meteorology and GeophysicsUniversity of ViennaViennaAustria
9. Institute of Geography and Regional ScienceUniversity of GrazGrazAustria
10. Mountain Research Initiativec/o University of BernBernSwitzerland
11. Department of Atmospheric and Environmental SciencesUniversity at AlbanyAlbanyNYUSA