Ion Dynamics Across a Low Mach Number Bow Shock


Graham D. B.1ORCID,Khotyaintsev Yu. V.1ORCID,Dimmock A. P.1ORCID,Lalti A.12ORCID,Boldú J. J.12,Tigik S. F.1ORCID,Fuselier S. A.34ORCID


1. Swedish Institute of Space Physics Uppsala Sweden

2. Space and Plasma Physics Department of Physics and Astronomy Uppsala University Uppsala Sweden

3. Southwest Research Institute San Antonio TX USA

4. University of Texas at San Antonio San Antonio TX USA


AbstractA thorough understanding of collisionless shocks requires knowledge of how different ion species are accelerated across the shock. We investigate a bow shock crossing using the Magnetospheric Multiscale spacecraft after a coronal mass ejection crossed Earth, which led to solar wind consisting of protons, alpha particles, and singly charged helium ions. The three species are resolved upstream of the shock. The low Mach number of the bow shock enabled the ions to be partly distinguished downstream of the shock due to the relatively low ion heating. Some of the protons are specularly reflected and produce quasi‐periodic fine structures in the velocity distribution functions downstream of the shock. Heavier ions are shown to transit the shock without reflection. However, the gyromotion of the heavier ions partially obscures the fine structure of proton distributions. Additionally, the calculated proton moments are unreliable when the different ion species are not distinguished by the particle detector. The need for high time‐resolution mass‐resolving ion detectors when investigating collisionless shocks is discussed.


American Geophysical Union (AGU)

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