Latitudinal Profiles of Auroral Forms/Motions and Plasma Properties Based on Simultaneous Image‐Particle Measurements by Reimei in the Midnight Auroral Oval


Hirahara Masafumi1ORCID,Fukuda Yoko2ORCID,Ebihara Yusuke3ORCID,Seki Kanako4ORCID,Sakanoi Takeshi5,Asamura Kazushi6ORCID,Takada Taku7ORCID,Yamazaki Atsushi6ORCID,Kasaba Yasumasa5,Saito Hirobumi68


1. Institute for Space‐Earth Environmental Research Nagoya University Tokai National Higher Education and Research System Nagoya Japan

2. Environmental Information Division National Institute for Environmental Studies Tsukuba Japan

3. Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere Kyoto University Uji Japan

4. Department of Earth and Planetary Science Graduate School of Science The University of Tokyo Bunkyo Japan

5. Planetary Plasma and Atmospheric Research Center Graduate School of Science Tohoku University Sendai Japan

6. Institute of Space and Astronautical Science Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Sagamihara, Kanagawa Japan

7. Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology Arakawa Japan

8. Future Robotics Organization Waseda University Shinjuku Japan


AbstractWe present the simultaneous and conjugated auroral emission and particle data obtained by a low‐altitude polar‐orbiting micro‐satellite, Reimei, for elucidating their latitudinal distributions and variations in the nightside auroral oval. Here are reported a few notable examples of the Reimei observations with high time and spatial resolutions, namely ∼120 msec. and ∼1.2 km × 1.2 km for multispectral auroral images and 40 msec. for energy‐pitch angle distributions of electrons and ions with energies of 10 eV–12 keV, respectively. The auroral images show various fine‐scale auroral activities characterized by the following types of auroral forms and variations: faint bands, streaming multiple arcs, shearing arcs, and vortices/curls, which are typical of the latitudinal properties of auroras. The particle analyzer simultaneously observed various properties of electron energy‐pitch angle and latitudinal distributions, and their temporal variations, each of which corresponds to a type of the auroral activities. Their features are summarized below. Reimei repetitively observed inverted‐V signatures of low‐energy (<1 keV) field‐aligned electrons in addition to the higher‐energy (several keV) diffuse electrons in low‐latitude auroral oval. In more active regions at higher latitudes, the dominant energy flux responsible for the multiple‐arc emissions was carried by the well‐known inverted‐V electron precipitation. The rapidly rotating vortices or so‐called curls of fine‐scale discrete auroras near the poleward boundary of the auroral oval were closely associated with the significant energy fluxes of spiky field‐aligned electron bursts with energy‐time dispersions produced by dispersive Alfvén waves.


Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology


American Geophysical Union (AGU)







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