1. Department of Space Physics School of Electronic Information Wuhan University Wuhan China
AbstractDifferent from power line harmonic radiation (PLHR) events at high harmonics (∼kHz) in the ionosphere and inner magnetosphere, the wave dynamics of power line emission (PLE) (the fundamental frequency 50/60 Hz or PLHR at low harmonics) can be significantly affected by various ion species. In order to investigate the evolution of the wave properties of PLE from power lines to satellite altitudes in a dipole field, a numerical model is developed to perform full‐wave simulations, in which the lithosphere and atmosphere are characterized by electrical conductivity and the ionosphere (inner magnetosphere) is treated as collisional (collisionless) cold plasma consisting of electron, H+, He+, O+, and NO+. Our simulation results show that the spatial distribution and wave properties of PLE are determined by the magnetic latitudes of power lines and plasma densities. PLE from power lines at middle and high magnetic latitudes (|MLAT| > 40°) can propagate to high L shells as whistler waves; PLE from power lines at |MLAT| < 30° usually propagate at low L shells below local He+ cyclotron frequency as left‐handedly polarized or right‐handedly He+ band electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves. The amplitude of PLE is usually stronger with smaller electron density in the space plasma medium. With power lines at |MLAT| < 30°, the coupling efficiency between different right‐handedly polarized EMIC wave modes of PLE decreases significantly with electron density. Wave properties of PLE including Poynting vector direction, wave normal angle and wave polarization obtained from our simulation results are consistent with some of the recent observations using Van Allen Probes.
National Natural Science Foundation of China
American Geophysical Union (AGU)