1. Crow, E. L., , F. A., Davis, , M. W., Maxfield, , Statistics Manual, Dover Publications, New York, 1960,
2. Dodson, H. W., , , and E. R., Hedeman, , , IGY Solar Activity Report Series, No. 14, January 4, , World Data Center A for Solar Activity, High Altitude Observatory, University of Colorada, , Boulder, Colorado, (flare index for each day of IGY based on McMath-Hulbert Observatory Working List of IGY Flares), 1961, a.
3. Dodson, H. W., , , and E. R., Hedeman, , , IGY Solar Activity Report Series, No. 15, June 26, , World Data Center A for Solar Activity, High Altitude Observatory, University of Colorado, , Boulder, Colorado, (McMath-Hulbert Observatory Working List of Flares and Daily Flare Index for IGC-1959), 1961, b.
4. Dodson, H. W., , , and E. R., Hedeman, , , IGY Solar Activity Report Series, No. 18, May 17, , World Data Center A for Solar Activity, High Altitude Observatory, University of Colorado, , Boulder, Colorado, (McMath-Hubert Observatory Working List of Flares and Daily Flare Index for 1960), 1962, .
5. Dodson, H. W., , E. R., Hedeman, , IGY Solar Activity Report Series, No. 21, March 15, World Data Center A for Solar Activity, High Altitude Observatory, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, 1963,