1. Department of Biology York University Toronto Ontario Canada
2. School of the Environment Washington State University Pullman WA USA
3. Division of Hydrologic Sciences Desert Research Institute Reno NV USA
4. Graduate Program of Hydrologic Sciences University of Nevada Reno NV USA
5. Department of Geological Sciences University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill NC USA
6. Department of Experimental Limnology Leibniz‐Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries Stechlin Germany
7. Center for Environmental Research, Education and Outreach Washington State University Pullman WA USA
8. Olympic National Park National Park Service Port Angeles WA USA
9. IISD Experimental Lakes Area Inc. Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
10. Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center U.S. Geological Survey La Crosse WI USA
11. Department of Ecohydrology Leibniz‐Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries Berlin Germany
12. Environmental Science and Policy University of California Davis CA USA
13. Center for Limnology University of Wisconsin‐Madison Madison WI USA
14. Department of Biology Westminster College Salt Lake City UT USA