Quantifying the Diversity of an Atmospheric Aerosol Population in an Arctic Oil Field on a Single‐Particle Level


Wu J.1ORCID,Liu J.1ORCID,Gunsch M. J.1ORCID,Mirrielees J. A.1ORCID,Moffett C. E.23ORCID,Zhang Q.4ORCID,Sheesley R. J.2ORCID,Pratt K. A.15ORCID


1. Department of Chemistry University of Michigan Ann Arbor MI USA

2. Department of Environmental Science Baylor University Waco TX USA

3. Now at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Richland WA USA

4. Department of Environmental Toxicology University of California Davis CA USA

5. Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences University of Michigan Ann Arbor MI USA


AbstractAs the Arctic rapidly warms, sea ice extent is decreasing and oil and gas extraction activities are expanding. Local combustion emissions affect the Arctic atmospheric aerosol chemical mixing state (the distribution of chemical species across the aerosol population), which impacts climate‐relevant properties. Bulk and single‐particle measurements of submicron aerosols were conducted at Oliktok Point, Alaska within the North Slope of Alaska oil fields. In this work, we quantify aerosol diversity using online single‐particle mass spectrometry data (32,880 individual particles), offline single‐particle microscopy data (20,912 individual particles), and online bulk aerosol mass spectrometry and aethalometer data. This method was used to derive individual particle mass fractions for both refractory and non‐refractory material within distinct particle types. Single‐particle, average single‐particle, and bulk population diversities (Di, Dα, Dγ, respectively) and mixing state indices (χ) were calculated for the data set. Calculated Di values were generally low (2.2 ± 0.6), as individual particle masses were dominated by a few chemical species of interest. Aged aerosol particles (those internally mixed with nitrate and/or sulfate) exhibited higher Di values (>3) compared to recently emitted (fresh) aerosol particles. During oil field plume periods, Dα values approached three due to the abundance of diesel combustion particles, which were rich in sulfate, black carbon, and organic aerosol. Overall, the submicron aerosol population within the Arctic oil fields was found to be relatively externally mixed (χ < 50%), due to the constant local emissions within oil fields combining with background aerosol and locally emitted sea spray aerosol at the coastal site.


U.S. Department of Energy

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


American Geophysical Union (AGU)








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