Convective Impact on the Global Lower Stratospheric Water Vapor Budget


Ueyama Rei1ORCID,Schoeberl Mark2ORCID,Jensen Eric3ORCID,Pfister Leonhard1ORCID,Park Mijeong4ORCID,Ryoo Ju‐Mee12


1. NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field CA USA

2. Science and Technology Corporation Columbia MD USA

3. NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory Boulder CO USA

4. National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder CO USA


AbstractWater vapor in the stratosphere is primarily controlled by temperatures in the tropical upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. However, the direct impact of deep convection on the global lower stratospheric water vapor budget is still an actively debated issue. Two complementary modeling approaches are used to investigate the convective impact in boreal winter and summer. Convective influence is diagnosed by tracing trajectories through convective cloud top altitude fields derived from global rainfall and brightness temperature data. Backward trajectory model simulations coupled with a detailed treatment of cloud microphysical processes indicate that convection moistens the global lower stratosphere by approximately 0.3 ppmv in boreal winter and summer 2010. The diurnal peak in convection is responsible for about half of the total convective moistening during winter and nearly all of the convective moistening during summer. Deep convective clouds overshooting the tropopause have relatively minor effect on global lower stratospheric water vapor. A forward trajectory model coupled with a simplified cloud module is used to estimate the relative magnitude of the interannual variability of the convective impact. Combining the results from the two models, we find that the convective impact on the global lower stratospheric water vapor during 2006–2016 is approximately 0.3 ppmv with year‐to‐year variations of up to 0.1 ppmv. An important mechanism of convective hydration of the lower stratosphere is via the detrainment of saturated air and ice into the tropical uppermost troposphere and the subsequent upward transport of some of these moist air parcels across relatively warm and subsaturated tropopause.


National Aeronautics and Space Administration


American Geophysical Union (AGU)


Space and Planetary Science,Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous),Atmospheric Science,Geophysics







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