1. Geography, Geology and the Environment University of Leicester Leicester UK
2. Geography & Environmental Systems University of Maryland Baltimore MD USA
3. Earth Sciences Brock University St. Catharines ON Canada
4. The Fridtjof Nansen Institute Lysaker Norway
5. Fenner School of Environment and Society The Australian National University Canberra Australia
6. History University of Notre Dame South Bend IN USA
7. German Studies University of Vienna Vienna Austria
8. Scott Polar Research Institute University of Cambridge Cambridge UK
9. Geological Sciences Freie Universität Berlin Germany
10. Department of History Georgetown University Washington DC USA
11. Institute of Chemistry Jan Kochanowski University Kielce Poland
12. Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve and Department of Biology Stanford University Stanford CA USA
13. Nicholas School of the Environment Duke University Durham NC USA
14. Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research University of Colorado Boulder CO USA
15. LEGOS Université de Toulouse CNES CNRS IRD Toulouse France
16. Geología Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU Bilbao Spain
17. Ocean and Earth Science University of Southampton National Oceanography Centre (Southampton) Southampton UK
18. School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences University of Birmingham Birmingham UK
19. Geography University College London London UK
20. Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemüende (IOW) Rostock Germany
21. Renewable Resources University of Alberta Edmonton AB Canada
22. Geology University of Vienna Vienna Austria