Biomarker Reconstruction of a High‐Latitude Late Paleocene to Early Eocene Coal Swamp Environment Across the PETM and ETM‐2 (Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada)


Blumenberg Martin1ORCID,Naafs B. David A.2ORCID,Lückge Andreas1,Lauretano Vittoria2ORCID,Schefuß Enno3ORCID,Galloway Jennifer M.4ORCID,Scheeder Georg1,Reinhardt Lutz1ORCID


1. Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) Hannover Germany

2. Organic Geochemistry Unit (OGU) School of Chemistry University of Bristol Bristol UK

3. MARUM—Center for Marine Environmental Sciences University of Bremen Bremen Germany

4. Geological Survey of Canada Calgary AB Canada


AbstractThe Paleocene‐Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) and early Eocene hyperthermal events were characterized by a Hothouse climate state. Our understanding of the climatic impact of these hyperthermals is currently biased toward marine settings and the mid‐latitudes. Here we present organic geochemical data from Stenkul Fiord, Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada. This organic rich formation was deposited in a high northern latitude wetland setting during the late Paleocene to early Eocene, spanning the PETM and subsequent ETM‐2 hyperthermals. Biomarker data (e.g., diterpenoids), combined with published palynological data from the site, indicate Cupressaceae‐dominated vegetation. Biomarkers suggest that land plant composition remained fairly unchanged across the two hyperthermal events. Increases in abundance and 13C‐depletion of hopanoid biomarkers (minima <−50‰ (VPDB)) highlight periods of enhanced bacterial methane consumption, particularly during the PETM. However, periods of low hopanoid δ13C values were also found outside the hyperthermal intervals. Relatively low δ2H values of higher plant n‐alkanes (average δ2H values of n‐C25, n‐C27, n‐C29 ∼ −230 to −270‰ (SMOW)) indicate that deposition formed during times with enhanced precipitation. The wettest intervals, as identified by the lowest δ2H n‐alkane values, contain high abundances of hopenes, indicating enhanced bacterial turnover. At Stenkul Fiord, high temperatures and CO2 concentrations likely fostered the growth of widespread wetland forests that became a CO2 sink and may have played an important role in carbon drawdown during the Early Paleogene.


American Geophysical Union (AGU)







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