Vertical distribution of gaseous elemental mercury in Canada


Banic C. M.1,Beauchamp S. T.2,Tordon R. J.2,Schroeder W. H.1,Steffen A.1,Anlauf K. A.1,Wong H. K. T.3


1. Air Quality Processes Research Division; Meteorological Service of Canada; Toronto, Ontario Canada

2. Atlantic Region; Meteorological Service of Canada; Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Canada

3. National Water Research Institute; Burlington, Ontario Canada


American Geophysical Union (AGU)


Paleontology,Space and Planetary Science,Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous),Atmospheric Science,Earth-Surface Processes,Geochemistry and Petrology,Soil Science,Water Science and Technology,Ecology,Aquatic Science,Forestry,Oceanography,Geophysics

Reference43 articles.

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2. Mesoscale meteorology of the New England Coast, Gulf of Maine, and Nova Scotia: Overview;Angevine;J. Geophys. Res.,1996

3. Transport of ozone and sulfur to the North Atlantic atmosphere during the North Atlantic Regional Experiment;Banic;J. Geophys. Res.,1996

4. Four years of continuous total gaseous mercury (TGM) measurements at sites in Ontario, Canada;Blanchard;Atmos. Environ.,2002

5. The behavior of mercury in the physical environment;Brosset;Water Air Soil Pollut.,1987

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