Investigation of Martian Regional Crustal Structure Near the Dichotomy Using S1222a Surface‐Wave Group Velocities


Xu Zongbo1ORCID,Broquet Adrien2ORCID,Fuji Nobuaki13ORCID,Kawamura Taichi1ORCID,Lognonné Philippe13ORCID,Montagner Jean‐Paul13ORCID,Pan Lu4,Schimmel Martin5ORCID,Stutzmann Eléonore1ORCID,Banerdt William Bruce6ORCID


1. Université Paris Cité Institut de physique du globe de Paris CNRS Paris France

2. Lunar and Planetary Laboratory University of Arizona Tucson AZ USA

3. Institut universitaire de France Paris France

4. School of Earth and Space Sciences University of Science and Technology of China Hefei China

5. Geosciences Barcelona‐CSIC Barcelona Spain

6. Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Pasadena CA USA


AbstractKnowledge of Martian crust and uppermost mantle aid us studying the planet's evolution. NASA's InSight mission provides seismic data being used to reveal the interior structure. Most studies have focused on the crustal structure beneath InSight lander, but the seismic structure of other regions has remained poorly known. We use surface‐wave data to investigate the crustal structure of a large region along the Medusa Fossae Formation and the dichotomy. We adopt the largest‐magnitude marsquake (S1222a) that has been recorded, which provides both Rayleigh‐ and Love‐wave signals. We measure and jointly invert these surface‐wave fundamental‐mode group velocities from ∼15 to 40 s to estimate the average 1D isotropic velocity models. These models includes a high‐velocity layer at ∼7‐km depth, which could be due to a regional basaltic activity or regional stress. Our models also indicate that a common intra‐crustal structure (∼12–40 km depth) may exist in this region along the dichotomy.


Agence Nationale de la Recherche


American Geophysical Union (AGU)


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,Geophysics

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