1. Department of Atmospheric Sciences Yonsei University Seoul South Korea
AbstractWe examine the relationships between the observed long‐term trends of the zonal wind in the mesopause regions at King Sejong Station (KSS), Antarctica, and wind trends in the Southern Hemisphere (SH) middle atmosphere using the 15‐year data set from KSS meteor radar, Aura MLS and MERRA‐2. During July, significant positive trends of zonal winds appear above z = 90 km and near the stratopause over the KSS, while negative trends exist between the two layers. In the SH winter, the observed mesopause winds correlate positively (negatively) with stratospheric (mesospheric) winds in the polar region, while they exhibit opposite correlations with the low‐latitude winds. The positive mesopause trends of zonal winds near KSS are connected, through the thermal wind relationship, to cooling (warming) trends induced by the upward (downward) trends of residual circulation over the high‐latitude mesosphere and low‐latitude stratosphere (high‐latitude stratosphere), which shows vertical coupling throughout the SH winter middle atmosphere.
Korea Polar Research Institute
American Geophysical Union (AGU)