Dynamics of the Storm Time Magnetopause and Magnetosheath Boundary Layers: An MMS‐THEMIS Conjunction


Rice Rachel C.12ORCID,Chen Li‐Jen2ORCID,Gershman Dan2ORCID,Fuselier Stephen A.34ORCID,Burkholder Brandon L.25,Gurram Harsha12,Beedle Jason26ORCID,Shuster Jason7,Petrinec Steven M.8ORCID,Pollock Craig9ORCID,Cohen Ian10ORCID,Gabrielse Christine11ORCID,Escoubet Philippe12ORCID,Burch James3ORCID


1. PHaSER, Department of Astronomy University of Maryland College Park MD USA

2. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt MD USA

3. Southwest Research Institute San Antonio TX USA

4. University of Texas San Antonio TX USA

5. University of Maryland College Park MD USA

6. Catholic University of America Washington DC USA

7. University of New Hampshire Durham NH USA

8. Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center Palo Alto CA USA

9. Denali Scientific, LLC Healy AK USA

10. Applied Physics Laboratory Johns Hopkins University Baltimore MD USA

11. Aerospace Corporation El Segundo CA USA

12. European Space Research and Technology Center Noordwijk the Netherlands


AbstractThis letter uses simultaneous observations from Magnetosphere Multiscale (MMS) and Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) to address the dynamics of the magnetopause and magnetosheath boundary layers during the main phase of a storm during which the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) reverses from south to north. Near the dawn terminator, MMS observes two boundary layers comprising open and closed field lines and containing energetic electrons and ring current oxygen. Some closed field line regions exhibit sunward convection, presenting an avenue to replenish dayside magnetic flux lost during the storm. Meanwhile, THEMIS observes two boundary layers in the pre‐noon sector which strongly resemble those observed at the flank by MMS. Observations from the three THEMIS spacecraft indicate the boundary layers are still evolving several hours after the IMF has turned northward. These observations advance our knowledge of the dynamic magnetopause and magnetosheath boundary layers under the combined effects of an ongoing storm and changing IMF.


Goddard Space Flight Center


American Geophysical Union (AGU)








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