Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soils and sediments using reference materials from soil, water, sediment and the atmosphere


Hammes Karen1,Schmidt Michael W. I.1,Smernik Ronald J.2,Currie Lloyd A.,Ball William P.3,Nguyen Thanh H.,Louchouarn Patrick,Houel Stephane4,Gustafsson Örjan5,Elmquist Marie5,Cornelissen Gerard5,Skjemstad Jan O.6,Masiello Caroline A.7,Song Jianzhong8,Peng Ping'an8,Mitra Siddhartha9,Dunn Joshua C.9,Hatcher Patrick G.10,Hockaday William C.10,Smith Dwight M.11,Hartkopf-Fröder Christoph12,Böhmer Axel12,Lüer Burkhard12,Huebert Barry J.13,Amelung Wulf14,Brodowski Sonja14,Huang Lin15,Zhang Wendy15,Gschwend Philip M.16,Flores-Cervantes D. Xanat16,Largeau Claude17,Rouzaud Jean-Noël17,Rumpel Cornelia18,Guggenberger Georg19,Kaiser Klaus19,Rodionov Andrei19,Gonzalez-Vila Francisco J.20,Gonzalez-Perez José A.20,de la Rosa José M.20,Manning David A. C.21,López-Capél Elisa21,Ding Luyi22


1. Department of Geography; University of Zurich; Zurich; Switzerland

2. Soil and Land Systems, School of Earth, Environmental Sciences; University of Adelaide, Waite Campus; Urrbrae, South Australia; Australia

3. Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering; Johns Hopkins University; Baltimore; Maryland; USA

4. Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory; Columbia University; Palisades; New York; USA

5. Department of Applied Environmental Science (ITM); Stockholm University; Stockholm; Sweden

6. CSIRO Land and Water; Glen Osmond, South Australia; Australia

7. Department of Earth Science; Rice University; Houston; Texas; USA

8. State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Guangzhou; China

9. Department of Geological Sciences and Environmental Studies; State University of New York at Binghamton; Binghamton; New York; USA

10. Environmental Molecular Science Institute; Ohio State University; Columbus; Ohio; USA

11. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry; University of Denver; Denver; Colorado; USA

12. Geologischer Dienst NRW; Krefeld; Germany

13. Department of Oceanography; University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu; Hawaii; USA

14. Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation, Division of Soil Science; University of Bonn; Bonn; Germany

15. Air Quality Research Division, Atmospheric Science and Technology Directorate, Science and Technology Branch; Environment Canada; Toronto, Ontario; Canada

16. R.M. Parsons Laboratory, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Cambridge; Massachusetts; USA

17. Laboratoire de Chimie Bioorganique et Organique Physique, UMR CNRS 7618 BIOEMCO; Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris; Paris; France

18. Laboratoire Biogéochimie et Écologie des Milieux Continentaux; Site du Centre INRA Versailles-Grignon; Thivernal-Grignon; France

19. Institute for Soil Science and Plant Nutrition; Martin Luther University; Halle-Wittenberg; Germany

20. Department Biogeoquímica y Dinámica de Contaminantes; Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología de Sevilla (IRNAS-CSIC); Sevilla; Spain

21. School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences; University of Newcastle upon Tyne; Newcastle; U.K.

22. Analysis and Air Quality Division; Environmental Technology Center; Ottawa, Ontario; Canada


American Geophysical Union (AGU)


Atmospheric Science,General Environmental Science,Environmental Chemistry,Global and Planetary Change

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