Advanced 3D TH and THM Modeling to Shed Light on Thermal Convection in Fault Zones With Varying Thicknesses


Duwiquet H.1,Genter A.2,Guillou‐Frottier L.34ORCID,Donzé F. V.5,Ledru P.6,Magri F.78ORCID,Guillon T.3,Horne R. N.9ORCID,Arbaret L.4ORCID,Souque C.1


1. Geothermal Division ENGIE Solutions, ENGIE Paris la Défense France

2. ES‐Géothermie Strasbourg France

3. Georesources Division BRGM Orléans France

4. ISTO, UMR 7327 Université d'Orléans CNRS BRGM Orléans France

5. Université Grenoble Alpes Université Savoie Mont Blanc CNRS IRD IFSTTAR Grenoble France

6. Université Lorraine UMR 7359 GeoRessources Vandœuvre les Nancy France

7. Division Research/International BASE The Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management Berlin Germany

8. Institute of Geological Sciences Hydrogeology Group Freie Universität Berlin Berlin Germany

9. Department of Energy Resources Engineering Stanford University Stanford CA USA


AbstractFault zones exhibit 3D variable thickness, a feature that remains inadequately explored, particularly with regard to the impact on fluid flow. Upon analyzing an analytic solution, we examine 3D thermal‐hydraulic (TH) dynamical models through a benchmark experiment, which incorporates a fault zone with thickness variations corresponding to realistic orders of magnitude. The findings emphasize an area of interest where vigorous convection drives fluid flow, resulting in a temperature increase to 150°C at a shallow depth of 2.7 km in the thickest sections of the fault zone. Moreover, by considering various tectonic regimes (compressional, extensional, and strike‐slip) within 3D thermal‐hydraulic‐mechanical (THM) models and comparing them to the benchmark experiment, we observe variations in fluid pressure induced by poroelastic forces acting on fluid flow within the area of interest. These tectonic‐induced pressure changes influence the thermal distribution of the region and the intensity of temperature anomalies. Outcomes of this study emphasize the impact of poroelasticity‐driven forces on transfer processes and highlight the importance of addressing fault geometry as a crucial parameter in future investigations of fluid flow in fractured systems. Such research has relevant applications in geothermal energy, CO2 storage, and mineral deposits.


Agence Nationale de la Recherche


American Geophysical Union (AGU)







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