62°S Witnesses the Transition of Boundary Layer Marine Aerosol Pattern Over the Southern Ocean (50°S–68°S, 63°E–150°E) During the Spring and Summer: Results From MARCUS (I)


Niu Qing12ORCID,McFarquhar Greg M.12ORCID,Marchand Roger3ORCID,Theisen Adam4ORCID,Cavallo Steven M.1ORCID,Flynn Connor1,DeMott Paul J.5ORCID,McCluskey Christina S.6ORCID,Humphries Ruhi S.78ORCID,Hill Thomas C. J.5ORCID


1. School of Meteorology University of Oklahoma Norman OK USA

2. Cooperative Institute for Severe and High Impact Weather Research and Operations Norman OK USA

3. Department of Atmospheric Science University of Washington Seattle WA USA

4. Argonne National Laboratory Lemont IL USA

5. Department of Atmospheric Science Colorado State University Fort Collins CO USA

6. Climate Global Dynamics Laboratory National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder CO USA

7. The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Environment Melbourne ACT Australia

8. Australian Antarctic Program Partnership Institude for Marine and Antarctic Studies University of Tasmania Hobart TAS Australia


AbstractThe Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Mobile Facility‐2 was installed onboard the research vessel Aurora Australis to measure aerosol properties during the 2017–2018 Measurement of Aerosols, Radiation, and CloUds over the pristine Southern ocean (MARCUS) Experiment, providing unique data on aerosols latitudinal and seasonal variation, including south of 60°S where previous observations are scarce. Data from a Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) counter and Ultra‐High‐Sensitivity Aerosol Spectrometer show that both the number concentration (NCCN) and size distribution of CCN‐active aerosols, with diameters (D) between 60 nm < D < 1,000 nm are different over the North Southern Ocean (NSO) (50°S–60°S) and the South Southern Ocean (SSO) (62°S–68°S). The average NSO NCCN at 0.2% and 0.5% supersaturation were 28% and 49% less than that over the SSO. This increase of CCN over the SSO is caused by the increase of aerosols with 60 nm < D < 200 nm, consistent with calculations of Aerosol Scattering Angstrom Exponents derived from a nephelometer. Aerosol hygroscopicity growth factor measured by the Hygroscopic Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer stayed close to 1.41 for aerosols with 50 nm < D < 250 nm over the SSO, but increased from 1.30 to 1.67 over the NSO, indicating different chemical compositions. Both CCN and Ice Nucleating Particles (INPs) showed a stronger variation with season than with latitude. The variation of heat‐labile and presumably proteinacous INPs suggests an increase of ice nucleating‐active microbes in summer.


U.S. Department of Energy

Australian Antarctic Division

Australian Government


American Geophysical Union (AGU)








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