1. Geophysics Corporation of America1 Final report for the period February 11, 1959, to February 11, 1960 Bedford, Mass. 1960
2. Jenkins , R. E. Manring The design, construction and operation of groundbased tracking equipment for experiments utilizing optical trace materials to study atmospheric parameters Bedford, Mass. 1961
3. Manring , E. J. J. Bedinger H. Knaflich Some measurements of winds and of the coefficient of diffusion in the upper atmosphere Space Research II, Proceedings of the Second International Space Science Symposium Florence, April 10-14, 1961 H. C. van de Hulst C. de Jager A. F. Moore 1107 1124 Amsterdam 1961
4. Manring , E. J. Bedinger H. Knafiich R. Lynch Upper atmospheric wind profiles determined from three rocket experiments Bedford, Mass. 1961