An Eigenvalue‐Based Framework for Constraining Anisotropic Eddy Viscosity


Bachman Scott D.12ORCID


1. Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder CO USA

2. [C]Worthy LLC Boulder CO USA


AbstractEddy viscosity is employed throughout the majority of numerical fluid dynamical models, and has been the subject of a vigorous body of research spanning a variety of disciplines. It has long been recognized that the proper description of eddy viscosity uses tensor mathematics, but in practice it is almost always employed as a scalar due to uncertainty about how to constrain the extra degrees of freedom and physical properties of its tensorial form. This manuscript borrows techniques from outside the realm of geophysical fluid dynamics to consider the eddy viscosity tensor using its eigenvalues and eigenvectors, establishing a new framework by which tensorial eddy viscosity can be tested. This is made possible by a careful analysis of an operation called tensor unrolling, which casts the eigenvalue problem for a fourth‐order tensor into a more familiar matrix‐vector form, whereby it becomes far easier to understand and manipulate. New constraints are established for the eddy viscosity coefficients that are guaranteed to result in energy dissipation, backscatter, or a combination of both. Finally, a testing protocol is developed by which tensorial eddy viscosity can be systematically evaluated across a wide range of fluid regimes.


National Science Foundation

National Center for Atmospheric Research


American Geophysical Union (AGU)







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