1. School of Ocean Science and Engineering University of Southern Mississippi Stennis Space Center MS USA
2. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole MA USA
3. Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Columbia University New York NY USA
4. Lamont‐Doherty Earth Observatory Columbia University Palisades NY USA
5. Department of Geology Wayne State University Detroit MI USA
6. Institute of Global Environmental Change Xi'an Jiaotong University Xi'an China
7. Department of Earth Sciences University of Minnesota Minneapolis MN USA
8. School of Marine and Atmospheric Science Stony Brook University Stony Brook NY USA
9. Ocean Sciences Department University of California Santa Cruz CA USA
10. Earth Observatory of Singapore Nanyang Technical University Singapore
11. Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences East Boothbay ME USA
12. School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Queens College City University of New York Flushing NY USA
13. Earth and Environmental Sciences Program, The Graduate Center City University of New York New York NY USA