1. Carl Sagan Center; The SETI Institute; Mountain View California USA
2. Exobiology Branch; NASA-Ames Research Center; Moffett Field California USA
3. Institute of Planetary Research; German Aerospace Center (DLR); Berlin Germany
4. University of Western Ontario; London ON Canada
5. Institute of Geological Sciences; Freie Universitaet Berlin; Berlin Germany
6. Lunar and Planetary Laboratory; University of Arizona; Tucson Arizona USA
7. Department of Chemical Engineering; West Virginia University; Morgantown West Virginia USA
8. Applied Physics Laboratory; Laurel Maryland USA
9. Institut d'Astrophysique Spatial, IAS; Orsay Cedex France
10. U.S. Geological Survey; Denver Colorado USA
11. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; University of Massachusetts; Amherst Massachusetts USA
12. Department of Physical Sciences; Grant MacEwan University; Edmonton Alberta Canada
13. Department of Geological Sciences; Brown University; Providence Rhode Island USA