Technical creativity and technical skills as a source of pupils’ physical and psychological balance


Hulova ZlaticaORCID


Technical education, the important condition of which is the development of technical skills, technical creativity, as well as technical thinking, is also meant to ensure the physical and psychological balance of the learner’s personality. The contribution, which is the output of the project VEGA no. 1/0550/22, includes presented research fi ndings reporting that the state of a pupil, student or a teacher developing their thinking, skills, and creativity and demonstrating a positive relationship with the content of technical education in all areas of development, creates the environment of a physical and psychological balance of the learner as well as prevents risk behaviour. The research uses a set of research methods (original questionnaire, interviews, pre-test, test, post-test, and others) implemented on a sample of 86 examined respondents showing a statistical signifi cance among the examined variables.


Panstwowa Uczelnia Zawodowa im. Ignacego Moscickiego w Ciechanowie

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