Evaluation of hydrogen peroxide wetting properties in the context of safe application in aseptic milk filling


Manevich Boris V.1,Zhizhin Nicolai A.1,Burykina Elena A.1,Titov Evgeniy N.1


1. All-Russian Dairy Research Institute Russian Federation


Introduction: In aseptic filling systems, packaging materials are sterilized using various methods to eliminate microorganisms. One of the most popular methods for sterilizing packaging materials is the use of hydrogen peroxide. The wetting property of the surface plays a crucial role in ensuring effective inactivation of microorganisms and uniform treatment of the aseptic packaging. Improving the wetting properties of hydrogen peroxide solutions by adding surfactants will enhance the contact of the sterilant with the lyophobic multilayer packaging material's treated surface, providing the necessary sterilizing ability and disinfectant action during the aseptic filling of milk and dairy products.Purpose: To study the wetting properties of concentrated hydrogen peroxide solutions on various substrates and the possibility of their correction with surfactants to ensure better packaging wetting and safe disinfection processes.Materials and Methods: The objects of the study included the disinfecting substance and sterilant - hydrogen peroxide, surfactants used as technological aids in the food industry, and combined multilayer packaging materials based on paper, cardboard, aluminum foil, and polymer materials used in aseptic milk filling processes. Wetting ability was evaluated by the contact angle in a 3-phase system: adhesive (hydrogen peroxide, water, surfactant solutions) - substrate (packaging material, steel plate, glass) - air using the drop shape analysis based on the Young-Laplace method; surface tension was determined by the optical drop shape analysis using the DSA25S device; surface tension of solutions at temperatures ranging from 30 to 70 °C was determined using the maximum bubble pressure method. The presence of residual amounts of the surfactant polysorbate on the sterilized packaging material was analyzed by HPLC.Results: The Tetra Brik®Aseptic packaging material exhibits pronounced lyophobic properties. The introduction of 0.1% polysorbate surfactant into the hydrogen peroxide solution (~35% w/w) reduced the contact angle by more than 50%, from 93.75° to 40.99°, and significantly decreased the surface tension (45-48%).Conclusion: Improving the wetting properties of hydrogen peroxide solutions will enhance the contact of the sterilant with the treated surface of the lyophobic multilayer packaging material by adding a surfactant, ensuring the necessary sterilizing ability and disinfectant action during the aseptic filling of milk and dairy products. The application conditions of hydrogen peroxide solutions with the addition of 0.1% nonionic surfactant polysorbate in aseptic filling, considering both effectiveness in disinfecting packaging material and safety related to the removal of its residual amounts, allow considering it as a technological aid.


All-Russian Dairy Research Institute

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