Applying Fuzzy Cognitive Map Based on Structural Equation Modeling for Perceiving the Service Quality and Attributes in Service Industry
Kuan-Yu Chen Kuan-Yu Chen,Kuan-Yu Chen Yu-Lun Hsu,Yu-Lun Hsu Yu-San Ting,Yu-San Ting Pi-Tzong Jan
<p>This study explores why the business firm survival due to provide the service quality and perceived values since servicescape, waiting experiences and food quality are three major factors that affect customer intentions. Therefore, the most examined restaurant attributes are included physical setting and environment, wait time, and food and service quality in this study. Servicescape positively effects perceived service quality. However, service quality is an overall judgment that a based on the perception of the object in consumer process of customer and can be seen as the result of customer evaluation. Therefore, we analyze data from 396 full-service restaurant diners in Taiwan based on Fuzzy Cognitive Map (FCM) and Structural Equation Model (SEM) to investigate hypothesis and to identify the most relevant decision factors to enhance outcome variables and furthers to help decision makers have a clear picture of affecting factors in the customer behavioral intention. The findings support the model and show that perceived overall service quality and perceived value do exert mediating effects in the relationship between restaurant-related attributes and customer behavioral intention. This study could ultimately contribute to the business firms in service industry to provide decision makers the most desirable outcomes to survival the competitive society.</p>
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Angle Publishing Co., Ltd.
Computer Networks and Communications,Software