Non-invasive neuromodulatory therapies applied in trigeminal neuralgia


Costescu Elena1,Ciuhodaru Tudor1,Calin Gabriela1,Mihai Cozmin1,Grierosu Carmen1


1. "Apollonia" University of Iasi, Faculty of Medicine


Background: Estimates reveal that about 1 in 15,000 patients suffer from pain impulses from trigeminal neuralgia. Annually there are 5-6 new cases registered per 100,000 inhab-itants, with an increased frequency in women with a ratio of 3/2:W/M. It is revealed that the first manifestations appear at the ages between 40 and 60, but in recent decades cases have appeared at younger ages, starting even with 21. Given the high intensity of pain in the trigeminal pathology, significantly disabling pain for long periods of time, effective noninvasive approaches are required to reduce pain, reduce the frequency of exac-erbations and bring patients to a functioning state as close as possible to the physiological limit. Material and method: A low frequency pulsatile magnetic field is a non-pharmacological and non-invasive method which is widely used in a multitude of medi-cal conditions by medical and paramedical professionals for the management of chronic or acute pain. This original research aims to provide an insight view into the review of evi-dence available for the analgesic non-invasive therapy uses of the pulsed magnetic field. The before and after examinations the therapy have included a general assessment of the functional status, an assessment of pain severity. Result: With this study we hope to demonstrate the increased efficiency of the non-invasive rehabilitation methods with ap-plication in trigeminal neuralgia pathology that qualitatively affects the daily life of the pa-tients experiencing trigeminal neuralgia. Conclusion: Non-invasive rehabilitation in trigem-inal neuralgia registers remarkable results, similar to drug approaches, the major benefit being the absence of adverse effects both during treatment and late, in the long term. It in-creases the quality of life of patients, the frequency of relapses and the intensity of the pain-ful stimulus from the first treatment sessions.. Keywords: trigeminal, neuromodulation, pain, neuralgia, magnetotherapy, non-invasive


Romanian Association of Balneology







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