Multiple Bone Metastatic Invasion with Clinical Implications due to Ductal Mammary Carcinoma – Case report and Short Literature Review


Calotă Nicoleta Daniela1,Oprea Carmen2,Iliescu Madalina Gabriela2,Ciota Alexandra Ecaterina2,Obadă Bogdan3,Gidu Diana Victoria1,Gheorghe Emma4,Oltean Antoanela1,Ionescu Elena Valentina2


1. Department of Kinetotherapy, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, „Ovidius” University of Constanța, 1 Cpt. Aviator Alexandru Șerbănescu street, 900470, Constanța, România

2. Department of Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, „Ovidius” University of Constanța, 1 Uni-versity Alley, Campus – Corp B, 900470, Constanța, România

3. Department of Orthopedics, Faculty of Medicine, „Ovidius” University of Constanța, 1 Univer-sity Al-ley, Campus – Corp B, 900470, Constanța, România

4. Department of Histology, Faculty of Medicine, „Ovidius” University of Constanța, 1 University Alley, Campus – Corp B, 900470, Constanța, România


Multidisciplinary approach of clinical cases in rehabilitations units can be very complex and divers. Method: We present a case of a woman 30 years old, whose oncological histo-ry begins 9 years ago, when the diagnosis of invasive ductal mammary infiltrating ca-nelular carcinoma grade I was made and treated by tumorectomy (lumpectomy). The pa-tient refused oncological treatment at that time and resorted to alternative medicine dur-ing a period of 7 years: diet without sugar and animal products; regular vitamin B17 treatments; almond kernel cure; high-dose intravenous vitamin C treatment for; intrave-nous ozone therapy; apitherapy with bee venom; oral administration of cannabis oil dur-ing the past four years until now; physical therapy. Results: The evolution is marked by the appearance of multiple bone metastatic lesions. The most worst clinical consequence was a hyperalgesic cervicobrachial neuralgia, due to multiple C6-T3 lytic lesions diag-nosed 2 years ago and C7 compression (close to spinal cord injury), situation which had as medical approach two surgeries interventions, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Con-clusions: The rehabilitation program was adapted to every stage of clinical evolution and was marked by many complications. All the steps were made for functional improvement and for increase the quality of life.


Romanian Association of Balneology


General Medicine







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