Balneotherapy – medical, scientific, educational and economic relevance reflected by more than 250 articles published in Balneo Research Journal


MUNTEANU Constantin1,MUNTEANU Diana2,HOTETEU Mihail3,DOGARU Gabriela4


1. 1. Romanian Association of Balneology, Bucharest, Romania 2. Emergency Clinical Hospital Bagdasar-Arseni, Bucharest, Romania

2. National Institute of Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine and Balneoclimatology, Bucharest, Romania

3. Biosafety LTD, Bucharest, Romania

4. Iuliu Hațieaganu Medical and Pharmacy University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Introduction. Balneology has a long European and Asian tradition and Romania can be the cornerstone of international bridges in this area due to its geographical position, legendary tradition and extraordinary natural resources of all kind. The use of thermal and mineral springs on the territory of the country for health and treatment purposes is a tradition with a history of more than two thousand years. Unique spa resources, such as thermal and mineral springs, mud, mofettes, saline microclimate and bioclimate (sedative or relaxing, exciting of marine seaside or plains, stimulant or tonic), are used successfully in the sphere of health care services, preventive medical actions, rehabilitation and wellness. Legend of Hercule bathing in Cerna's waters is a proof of the use of thermal waters long before the Roman conquest. This tradition exists in almost all civilizations. Today it maintains its usefulness and is spread across all continents, mainly in the Middle East and South and East Europe, Asia (Middle East, Japan, China, Turkey), South America (Argentina, Mexico, Colombia) and North Africa (Morocco, Tunisia) (244-249). Material and method. This article is a sistematic and summarizing review of all published articles by Balneo Research Journal in its ten years of existence, from november 2010 until September 2019. All the ten volumes and more than 250 articles were analized in order to understand the main thematic of the articles, the more usefull scientific concepts, the realistic benefits of the published articles for the development of Balneology. Results and discussions. Analizing an article database of about 250 publised articles in Balneo Research Journal can be of real impact on the development of the field of Balneology but also can drive the future of the jurnal to better understand its implications in the scientific arena. Conclusions. Main scientific concepts with which Balneology is operating, interdisciplinary connections and interests were focused on ideas to have in mind by the authors and readers of this article. Key words: Balneology, Balneotherapy, Balneo Research Journal, Natural therapeutic factors, Balneary Resort,


Romanian Association of Balneology

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