The experimental investigation aimed to determine how the use of biodiesel derived from dill and cresson oil affected the performance of semi-industrial burners. Furthermore, an investigation will be conducted to assess the combustion properties of different blends of biodiesel, specifically B10, B20, B40, and B60. The study looks at biodiesel's chemical makeup, physical properties, and how it works in the system that moves it to the burner and the burner simulator's burning process. Biodiesel exhibits comparable qualities to conventional diesel oil, enabling the possibility of blending it to achieve the desired ratio. The results suggest that increasing the percentage of biodiesel leads to a reduction in flame distance and a rise in flame temperature. Furthermore, the complete combustion of the fuel is responsible for the brilliant and transparent flame. Additionally, using dill and Cresson fuels that come from biodiesel raises the average flame temperature by about 17% and 16.1%, respectively, compared to regular diesel fuel.