Identifikasi Potensi dan Penyebab Resiko Pendederan Larva Ikan Lele Dumbo (Clarias sp.) di Balai Benih Ikan (BBI)-Terantang Menggunakan Metode House of Risk (HOR)


Susanto Adha,Satriansah Erman


Breeding African catfish larvae (Clarias sp.) is an activity that has a risk of failure due to various factors. Carrying out the nursery process with the correct procedures is necessary to minimize the risk of failure. Therefore, this study aims to identify the potential and causes of the risk of breeding African catfish larvae. This research will take place from October 2023 to January 2024. The House of Risk (HOR) method is used to identify risk events and risk agents and design mitigation to overcome these risks. Based on this research, 14 risk events and 15 risk causes have been identified in African catfish larval nursery activities. Priority risks that must be addressed are A3, A13, and A12, with five recommended mitigation actions.


Universitas Samudra

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