1. 1. For a convenient and quite detailed, well-supported overview and introduction to that field of study, see online at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sociology_of_literature (last accessed on June 10, 2022). The anonymous author provides us with an excellent bibliography of the most relevant studies. However, the issue of medieval literature today is not even touched upon there, and in most of the relevant studies on the sociology of literature.
2. 2. Jones, Ch., C. Kostick, and K. Oschema, ed. (2020). Making the Medieval Relevant: How medieval studies contribute to improving our understanding of the present. Das Mittelalter, Beihefte, Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter,6..
3. 3. See, for instance, Classen, A. (2012). The role of the humanities past and present: Future perspectives based on ancient ideas: Reflections by a medievalist, Alfinge: Revista de Filología, 24, 9-30;
4. 4. Classen, A. (2014). The challenges of the humanities, past, present, and future: Why the Middle Ages mean so much for us today and tomorrow. Humanities Open Access, 3(1), online at: http://www.mdpi.com/2076-0787/3/1/1;
5. 5. Classen, A. (2016). The meaning of literature and literature as meaning—A productive challenge of modern times from the Middle Ages. Humanities Open Access, 5(2), http://www.mdpi.com/2076-0787/5/2/24/htm;