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2. 2. Mahajan Sunil, Bartaria Vishvendranath, “Indoor Thermal Comfort and Air Distribution: A Literature Review”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), May 2019, Volume 6, Issue 5, Pp: 722-726, (ISSN-2349-5162).
3. 3. Mahajan Sunil, Bartaria Vishvendranath, “Experimental Study on Impact of Inlet Duct Elevation on the Indoor Thermal Environment”, 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Clean Energy Technologies (ICET- 2023) at MANIT, Bhopal, April 2023.
4. 4. Mahajan Sunil, Bartaria Vishvendranath, “A review on air distribution and Indoor Thermal Environment”, Voice of Research Journal, March 2021, Vol.9, Issue 4.
5. 5. Peihao Wu, Zhaosong Fang, “Comparative analysis of indoor air quality in green office buildings of varying star levels based on the grey method”, Building Environment 2021, 195.