Az ontológiai apparátus deaktiválása Giorgio Agamben filozófiájában


,Ilyés Zalán-GyörgyORCID


In my paper, I attempt to identify and resolve a (prima facie textual) problem concerning the conceptual strategy of deactivating the ontological apparatus, which I hypothesize draws attention to a particularly important feature of this strategy (and of the Agambenian corpus). The problem lies in the double assessment of the ontological figure underlying the poetic experience (which consists in the exposure to impotence): while in the first volume of the Homo Sacer series this experience (and the ontological gesture that underlies it) is judged by the Italian philosopher as the most radical, but still insufficient, attempt to deactivate the ontological apparatus, in The Use of Bodies the same experience and gesture are presented as the essence of a form-of-life that deactivates the apparatus. After a deeper exposition of the apparently textual problem, it becomes clear that here one of the most important issues concerning Agambenian ontology and philosophy is brought to the surface: not only the success of the Agambenian task (the deactivation of the apparatus) depends on the solution to this problem, but also the clarification of a much broader distinction already raised by Walter Benjamin. It is a question of elucidating the topological difference between the two forms of the state of exception (“virtual” and “real”), since, like all apparatuses, the ontological one is based on the relation of ban and exception.


Fundatia Pro Philosophia

Reference25 articles.

1. "1. Giorgio Agamben: L'uso dei corpi. In uő: Homo sacer. Edizione integrale 1995-2015. Quodlibet, Macerata, 2021, 1005-1280.

2. 2. Walter Benjamin: A történelem fogalmáról. Ford. Bence György. In uő: Angelus Novus. Helikon, Budapest, 1980, 966.

3. 3. Ilyés Zalán-György: A szuverenitás-paradoxon ontológiai megalapozá-

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5. 4. Giorgio Agamben: A destituáló képesség elméletéhez. Ford. Csabay István és Ilyés Zalán-György. Kellék, 2024:70, X, DOI:







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