1. Mater Hospital Townsville, Townsville, Queensland, Australia
Port site hernias are a recognized complication of laparoscopic surgery and carry a high risk of strangulation because of the small size of the defect involved. Most hernias occur in trocar sites that are larger than 10 mm. This has resulted in the accepted practice that fascial defects larger than 10 mm are closed, incorporating the peritoneum and fascia, whereas defects less than 10 mm are not closed.
We report a port site hernia at a 5-mm port site in a 90-year-old woman after ventral rectoplexy. A systematic review of literature found 27 cases of 5-mm port site herniation: 10 cases in general surgery and 17 cases in gynecological surgery.
The possibility of herniation through 5-mm port sites should be known to avoid a delay in recognition, diagnosis, and treatment.
International College of Surgeons