Al-Fikri Irsyad,Ratna Roostika
This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of social media communications created by companies (Firm-created Communication – FCC) and users (User-generated Communication – UGC) on the user's perspective on brand equity and brand attitudes that have an impact on the purchase intention of Samsung products. The population of this study is users who do not use Samsung products to describe their interest in buying Samsung products. The object of this research is social media communications made by companies and users about Samsung products. The research sample consisted of 218 respondents who were not Samsung users and who at the time of the study were domiciled in Java or outside Java. The research data were then analyzed using the Structural Equation Model (AMOS v 23). Based on the research results, it is known that social media communications made by companies positively influence brand attitudes. User-generated social media communications positively influence brand equity and brand attitudes. Brand attitude positively affects brand equity. Brand equity and brand attitude positively influence purchase intention. However, social media communications made by the company have no effect on brand equity. This study reveals that communication made by users has more influence on purchase intention through brand equity and attitudes. Where equity and brand attitude are important in buying interest in a product.
Bussecon International Academy
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