Mehmeti Ismail,Krasniqi Sokol
This paper aims to address the effects of the pandemic on the economy and investments in the region - focus Kosovo, compared to the countries of the Western Balkans. CoVid-19 has caused economic shocks worldwide, where many people have lost their jobs, and this has created a negative chain effect on the economic structure in Kosovo as well. The economy consists of a structure in which participate many parties that are interconnected in a chain with each other such as state institutions, companies (manufacturing, trade, services, etc.), employees, suppliers, local and international financial institutions, potential customers, investors, etc., any disconnect in this chain causes a negative economic reaction which will have long-term implications for business recovery. Also, Foreign direct investment in Kosovo is one of the main determinants of the country's development, due to the pandemic many planned investments have been re-oriented in other directions. This study also aims to identify the economic situation and the level of investment decline for this pandemic period, aiming to identify - as proposals - measures to be taken in order to improve the situation and stimulate a debate on the economic situation in times of pandemic.
Bussecon International Academy
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