Placement and work facilities are the two main pillars in determining employee performance, but research that discusses both is still rare. This research aims to explore the role of work facilities in moderating employee placement on employee performance. This research involved 83 respondents from various fields of work at PT X with the aim of understanding how work placement and facilities influence employee performance. Samples were selected proportionally from various company divisions using probability sampling techniques. The research results show that work placement has a positive and significant influence on employee performance. Work facilities were also proven to have a positive and significant effect on performance. However, the hypothesis regarding the role of work facilities as a moderator of the effect of placement on performance was not proven (P value: 0.200). This means that work facilities at PT X do not significantly strengthen or weaken the relationship between placement and employee performance. Practically, these findings can serve as a guide to better understand the factors that influence employee performance and design more effective human resource management strategies.
Bussecon International Academy
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