Korzyści i granice wykorzystania sztucznej inteligencji na lekcjach języka niemieckiego na przykładzie ChatGPT


Ziaja RyszardORCID


Today’s artificial intelligence systems, using the ever-increasing textual resources available in virtual space, are changing our perception of language and influencing the way we communicate and learn. The recently launched ChatGPT platform, based on an autoregressive algorithm, naturally imitates an omniscient communication partner. The high popularity achieved by the system in a very short time, especially among young users, should be a reason to consider the impact of this type of tool on modern education, including the teaching of foreign languages and the role of the teacher in the teaching process. The following article will present, based on practical examples, the benefits and limitations of using artificial intelligence in German language lessons, both from the teacher and student perspective.


Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan

Reference34 articles.

1. ART Analysis and Research Team of the EU Council (2023), ChatGPT in the Public Sector – overhyped or overlooked? ART – RESEARCH PAPER. Online: https://www.consilium.europa.eu/media/63818/art-paper-chatgpt-in-the-public-sector-overhyped-or-overlooked-24-april-2023_ext.pdf [DW 12.05.2023].

2. Carstensen Ch. (2024), Chat GPT & Co. – KI im DaF/ DaZ-Unterricht: Einführung. Kindle Edition. Online: https://www.amazon.de/Chat-GPT-Co-DaZ-Unterricht-Einf%C3%BChrung-ebook/dp/B0CRVKP3N5 [DW 12.05.2023].

3. Deutscher Ethikrat (2023), Mensch und Maschine – Herausforderungen durch Künstliche Intelligenz. Stellungnahme. Berlin: DIPF.

4. Emsley R. (2023), ChatGPT: these are not hallucinations – they’re fabrications and falsifications. „Schizophrenia”, nr 9:52. Online: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41537-023-00379-4 [DW 10.02.2023].

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