A Proposition of Integral Protological Narrative: Modern Interpretation of the Fall of Man and the Original Sin


Witała MaciejORCID


The Catholic doctrine of the fall of man and the original sin seems to pose serious difficulties when confronted with the results of empirical sciences concerning the antropogenesis. To answer those issues, the author of this work undertakes an attempt at their contemporary interpretation from the perspective of fundamental theology, basing on the findings of his previous publication, in which he covered the problem of anthropogenesis in the light of Christian faith and empirical discoveries. (M. Witała, A Proposition of Integral Protological Narrative: the Theological Criteria of Humanity and Anthropogenesis according to Empirical Sciences, “Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne” 41 (2022) 1, pp. 71–93). The interpretation of the fall of man and original sin proposed in this work is based on the analysis of biblical data and the review of the doctrinal statements of the Magisterium of the Church during the ages and leads to an integral protological narrative taking into account the research of empirical sciences on anthropogenesis, according to the concept of integration of theology and science.


Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan

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