A Recently Discovered Folia from the 12th-century Apostolus Christinopolitanus


Voloshchenko StanislavORCID


One of the important Cyrillic medieval manuscripts from Kievan Rus is the Apostolus Christinopolitanus – a 12th-century codex which is now separated into two parts that are preserved (though some fragments have been lost) in Kyiv (Institute of Manuscript of V.I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine, since 1927) and Lviv (History Museum of Lviv, since 1948). This article discusses four parchment folia from Kraków (The Princes Czartoryski Library, Poland) discovered in July 2020. Paleographical, orthographical, linguistic and textological features indicate that this section is the previously lost part of the Apostolus Christinopolitanus (excerpts from Act 13,5–20, 15,29–16,4, 1Tim 4,8–5,4 and 2Tim 1,10–2,4). The Kraków folia are the continuation of the Kyiv part and the beginning and final part of the Lviv part of the codex. The Kraków part was detached before 1888, when the manuscript was shown to the public at the Lviv Stauropegion Institute Exhibition and described and foliated for the catalogue by Antonij Petruševič. This article contains photocopies of all of the newly-discovered fragments.


Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan

Reference49 articles.

1. Poland, Kraków, Princes Czartoryski Library, number of the unit (abbreviated to n. u.) 11601, Apostoł Krystynopolski.

2. Ukraine, Kyiv, Institute of Manuscript of V.I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine, collection (abbreviated to c.) VIII Київський університет св. Володимира. Колекція рукописів, n. u. 3M, Апостол тлумачний („Христинопільський” або „Городиський”) [St. Volodymyr University of Kyiv. Collection of manuscripts, Apostol tlumačnij („Hristinopìlʹsʹkij” abo „Gorodisʹkij”)].

3. Ukraine, Lviv, History Museum of Lviv, c. Manuscripts, n. u. 39, Христинопільський Апостол [Hristinopìlʹsʹkij Apostol].

4. Kałužniacki A., Actus Epistolaeque Apostolorum palaeoslovenice. Ad fidem codicis Christinopolitani saeculo XII scripti, Vindobonae 1896.

5. Протоколы засѣданій Совѣта Императорскаго Университета св. Владиміра за 1901 годъ, „Университетскія извѣстія” 1902, no. 8, pp. 1–61. [Protokoly zasědanìj Sověta Imperatorskago Universiteta sv. Vladimìra za 1901 godʺ, „Universitetskìâ izvěstìâ” 1902, no. 8, pp. 1–61.]








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