O Metamorfozach Owidiusza z Haarlemu


Rybowska JoannaORCID


The article considers a series of relief prints by Hendrik Goltzius. The artist intended for these prints to become an ‘illustrated companion’ to Ovid’s Metamorphoses, or, alternatively, a sort of mirror image that reflects the poetic world of Metamorphoses in another creative medium. The first part of this analysis surveys Goltzius’ creative career and examines which life events might have encouraged the artist to start working on his adaptation of Metamorphoses. In the second part of the article, we discuss the creation of Goltzius’ drawings and copperplate engravings, explaining why the work of this Haarlem artist represents a historic breakthrough in the illustrative tradition of Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Finally, the third part of the article assesses whether Goltzius’ Metamorphoses prints adhere to established conventions of the emblematic art (ars emblematica).


Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan

Reference51 articles.

1. Alciatus, Viri clarissimi D. Andreae Alciati... Emblematum liber (1531).

2. Enkomion Schoneusa ku czci Goltziusa. Inskrypcja na grafice szóstej z cyklu Życie Dziewicy.

3. Excellente figueren ghesneden uuyten uppersten poëte Ovidius uuyt vyfthien boucken der veranderinghe met huerlier bedietsele, W. Borluut, J. van Tournes, Lion 1557.

4. P. Giovio, Dialogo dell’Imprese Militari et Amorose, Lyone 1574.

5. Johan. Posthii Germershemii Tetrasticha in Ovidii Metam. Lib. XV. Quibus accesserunt Vergilii Solis figurae elegantiss. Et iam primum in lucem editae Schöne Figuren auss dem fürtrefflichen Poeten Ovidio allen Malern Goldtschmiden und Bildthauweren zu nutz und gutem mit Teutschen Reimen turtzlich erklaret dergleichen vormals im Drück nie aussgangen Durch Johan Posthium von Germersshein, Cum gratia et privilegio Caesareo. M.D.LXIII. in–4 obl. Colófon: Impressum Francofurti 1563.








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