Problem nieśmiałych młodzieńców, czyli ‘vitiosa verecundia’


Sowa JoannaORCID


Both Greeks and Romans considered shame an important instrument of moral education. However, while respect for elders and superiors was a desirable trait of young people, it could also turn sometimes into a serious character flaw – excessive compliance with all who made any demands, even the wrong ones. Therefore, shyness was often considered ‘a disease of the soul’ as a feeling that made one feel ashamed to do the right thing. In the article, the concept of vitiosa verecundia is presented on the basis of texts by Seneca, Aristotle, Quintilian, Livy and, above all, Plutarch’s treatise De falso pudore.


Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan

Reference28 articles.

1. Aristotle, Art of Rhetoric, transl. by J.H. Freese, revised by G. Striker, Cambridge 2020.

2. Aristotle, Eudemian Ethics, w: Athenian Constitution, Eudemian Ethics, Virtues and Vices, transl. by H. Rackham, Cambridge 1935.

3. Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, transl. by H. Rackham, Cambridge 1926.

4. Arystoteles, Etyka eudemejska, w: Dzieła wszystkie, t. V, przekł., wstęp i komentarz W. Wróblewski, Warszawa 1996, 385–493.

5. Arystoteles, Etyka nikomachejska, w: Dzieła wszystkie, t. V, przekł., wstęp i komentarz D. Gromska, Warszawa 1996, 7–300.







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